Dydh da.
Vyvyan ov vy. My a dhysk Kernewek. Kemmyn yw, ha my a’n dhysk gans K.D.L. gans Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek. My re sewenas yn apposyans kynsa gradh ha lemmyn y hwrav ombareusi rag apposyans tressa gradh. Nyns esa apposyans nessa gradh, saw apposyans byghan war anow.
Ha studhyer ow tyski yeth, res yw y dhevnytha yn fenowgh rag mos ha bos freth. Nyns eus lies chons dhymm dhe gewsel kernewek gans dus erell, ha rag henna, y koedh dhymm skrifa an yeth yn fenowgh yn le.
Nyns eus lies tra a leverel genev. Ha my ow triga yn gwylvos pell dhiworth ow hentrevogyon, gans kiow, gever ha yer avel kowetha, ow heskows yw nebes koynt, marnas ow heskows yn kever yethonieth. Byttegyns, ha my ow kewsel yn kever traow y’n par na, kyns pell yn usadow y hwrav disputya gans puptra a wra krysi pub yethonydh arall owth oberi war an testenn, yn fenowgh yn terroesus.
Rag henna, my a skrif hwedhlow yn le. Gwari vydh, ha’y hyllir diskudha rannow dhe les an yeth ha fordhow nowydh gensi nag yllir diskudhys dre dhisputya a skolheygieth yn kever an yeth hy honan.
Dalleth ytho romans yn kernewek nessa prys a wrav.
Dyw genewgh
good day
i am vyvyan. i am learning cornish. it's kemmyn, and i am learning it with kernewek dre lyther with the cornish language fellowship. i succeeded in the first grade exam and now i am preparing myself for the third grade examination. there isn't a second grade exam, except a small oral exam.
as a student learning a language you have to use it often in order to become fluent. i don't get many opportunities to speak cornish with other people, and therefore i have to write the language often instead. i haven't got a lot of things to say. living in the wilderness far from my neighbours with dogs, goats and chooks for company.my conversation is somewhat strange, except my conversation about linguistics. however, when i talk about things like that, before long usually i'm in disagreement with everything every other linguist working on the subject believes, often disasterously.
i am vyvyan. i am learning cornish. it's kemmyn, and i am learning it with kernewek dre lyther with the cornish language fellowship. i succeeded in the first grade exam and now i am preparing myself for the third grade examination. there isn't a second grade exam, except a small oral exam.
as a student learning a language you have to use it often in order to become fluent. i don't get many opportunities to speak cornish with other people, and therefore i have to write the language often instead. i haven't got a lot of things to say. living in the wilderness far from my neighbours with dogs, goats and chooks for company.my conversation is somewhat strange, except my conversation about linguistics. however, when i talk about things like that, before long usually i'm in disagreement with everything every other linguist working on the subject believes, often disasterously.
therefore, i will write stories instead. it will be fun, and it will be possible to discover interesting parts of the language and new ways with it not possible to discover through scholarly debate about the language itself.
so i will begin a novel in cornish next time.
so i will begin a novel in cornish next time.
Mihangel wyf i (ov vy Yn Kembrek).
I recieve a welsh education in wales. I would love to speak the cornish language as all of the Brythonic. I am fluent in welsh. Maybe we could communicate a little, teach each other the languages? Mae diddordeb mawr gennyf yn yr iaith Cernyweg. Pob hwyl, Mihangel Ap Tomos - Cymrobalch@gmail.com
Meic, I couldn't access you except this way. Cornish is easier than Welsh, they say, and for someone fluent in welsh it must be a whole lot easier.
I'm not planning to learn Welsh until after this Kernewek Dre Lyther course is finished - in one year's time. It's a fantastic course, very reasonably priced but solid.
You can find them at: http://www.howlsedhes.co.uk/kesva/
Fatla genes ?
my a drig yn Breten Vyghan, ha my a dhysk Kernewek hynwedh gans KDL.
My a dhysk gant tus arall yn Breten Vyghan, ha ni a gews Bretonek an yl gans egyle.
Ny gewsav freth hwath, aban mis Gwenngala ov ow tyski.
My a gews Kembrek (yn dipyn bach: ydw i wedi bod yn byw yng nghymru !)
eus hwans genes kewsel ?
un nebes geriow e Bretonek:
diaes eo din un tammig c'hoazh e kerneveurek, o teskiñ emaon abaoe miz Gwengolo gant KDL ivez, hag ur blijadur e vefe eskemm gant tud a zo o teskiñ tra-mor, en tu all eus ar mor (e Breizh emaon o chom).
Dhis yn lel !
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